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The Post You SHOULD Read!

Quinn Chapman and the Altar of Evil I

Quinn Chapman and the Altar of Evil The flames of Hades flickered off the rough hewn walls of the cavern as I stumbled my way deeper into the earthen maw. Acrid, black smoke invaded my eyes, blurring my vision and clouding my lungs. Dark voices shouted in a rhythmic chant somewhere beyond the hall of fire through which I now walked. My body was cut and bruised; my clothes turned to rags barely clinging to my sweat glistened flesh.  What maligned road led me to my current state of depravity? My mind flickered back to that fateful day in the warrens of Singapore, to one of the myriad of seedy opium dens lining the alleys. It was there that I found the remnants of the infamous Anglo explorer Sir Percival Covington.  I pushed back the shoddy veil of the curtain to find Sir Percival upon his back, clad in sweat-stained khaki and a weeks' worth of grime. So much for the hero of the British Empire. His glazed eyes alighted upon me, and a flicker of recognition danced across his ruddy face

Prose Challenge

Prose Challenge

I continue to write little snippets on the Prose, when the mood suits me, and will keep posting them on here for your enjoyment (or for something to troll). Here is a little poetic entry I wrote for the following challenge: 

What Brings you Bliss?

  • Bliss- Happiness Any form of writing is welcome. Please tag me so I can read all amazing posts.

Natural Bliss

Bliss is open country with neither hide nor hair of mankind.

    Bliss is in the forest, striding beneath the trees, wandering along babbling brooks.

Bliss is in the mountains, clambering over rocks and scree.

    Bliss is in the sea, swimming amongst the chromatic corals and iridescent scales.

Bliss is the flames, crackling and biting about the fallen timbers in the hearth.

    Bliss is freedom, roaming the wild places while they are yet free.


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